To create a brand and an identity for my band, 'Tempesst', I had to create a symmetry in both the mad advert and the CD covers that linked to my music video that would allow the brand to be clear.
Figure 1 |
Visual links have been created in both my advert and CD covers as i have used the same fonts throughout to allow the brand to be created. In my cover i have written Tempesst with a visual motif either side of it to make it different from just having plain text. I have done this to create the brand and allow the band to have a recognisable logo. I have then taken this into the rest of my CD covers and advert. The use of the band name written in that style has been carried out through the print production to create the visual link. The blue on blue colour scheme has also been carried out in all aspects of the print production to create a colour scheme that is noticeable and the significance of these colours is that it links in with the theme of 'Inside the storm' which is the theme of my print production and the visual links of the blue allow the connection to be made. I have used the same font in all sides of my album covers and in my magazine advert as the font is one that is not too distracting and links well with the artwork as it has the same calm design that i have used for the artwork of my print production. I feel this font is very effective as it does not look out of place or does not draw attention away from the visual links of the ink artwork. I have used the same composition in my CD cover and in my Magazine advert. I have placed the artwork on the rule of thirds as it shows how the album and the CD's visuals link together. It also makes the audience immediately notice the visual links that are in the CD cover and the magazine advert because their eyes are naturally drawn to it.
Figure 2 |
Figure 3 |
There is a clear thematic motif created between my music video and my print productions as i have used an overlay of waves in my music video and this links to my advert and my CD cover as they have water running through creating the theme of 'riding on a tidal wave' as the lyrics in the song say and that I have used in my CD as shown in figure 1, with the name of the album 'Inside the storm'. These links allow the theme to be created of how life is like a storm/wave and how at any moment it can come crashing down. The use of the quotes and the title of the album create the theme but also the audience can create their own theme and read it in whatever way they like as art is perspective and especially abstract art so the theme of 'Inside the storm' can be interpreted in many way by the audience. The theme could have been made more clear in my magazine advert as there is no clear thematic link between the CD and advert as it lacks quotes and the album name so the them can not be seen very well so to improve i would try and make the theme clear in the advert by putting in the album title. A way in which I would improve my work would be to create more thematic links in my advert and CD with the themes of how women have more power in love than men. That is the main theme of my music video and I would incorporate that to allow a more coherent theme to be created in the whole of the production.
Well done for looking at links between your print productions, but you could do with looking at links between the video and print productions in greater detail.