Many other media texts influenced my work for different reasons. The use of a mask was taken from texts such as The Purge or the band Bats For Lashes who use masks in different ways but both use them very effectively. The mask was used as a way to show how people can change when a break up happens and how you can no longer recognise them. I also wanted to include an aspect of the psychedelic genre in my music video and this can be a reference to the film Enter The Void or Asap Rock's song LSD where his video is a direct reference to the film Enter The Void.
The Purge |
The Purge is a film made in 2013 in America and the plot is about legalising crime for a day. This is a horror film and that was not the element that i wanted to take into my music video but the aspect of characters wearing masks was. The use of the mask in this film is a negative and scary object that allows the imagination to run wild because you do not know who is behind the mask. This element of mystery and creating an enigma was what i wanted to include in my music video. The song 'What's a girl to do' by Bats For Lashes uses characters riding on a bike wearing masks while the artist sings. This creates a mystery and in their video it is
Bats For Lashes |
the men who are wearing the masks and the woman who is not so we decided to turn that around and make the girl be chased still but she is the one wearing the mask. This then helped us create the element of love being something that can change us forever. However in both of these texts the mask creates a dangerous and scary aspect which i did not want to take into my music video so to combat this i the locations show what kind of story this was and the use of the dark and gritty locations in the film and music video crate the sinister view of the mask so a more colourful location would make that representation no longer apply.
Enter the Void |
For the psychedelic element i took inspiration from the film Enter the Void which is a 2009 film where the plot is about life and death but through the eyes of someone who is on psychedelic drugs. The film uses a lot of editing that makes the audience feel they are seeing a dream like state and on a trip with the character who has taken the drugs. The use of this was something that i wanted to take into my video as the song has a part of it that links with the psychedelic genre which means i wanted to put in the effects which are generic conventions of music videos for the psychedelic genre. I wanted to introduce a dream state into my music video and i
Asap Rocky's song 'LSD' |
wasn't sure how to incorporate it in. I had seen it be done in the film and didn't know if it would work for a music video. I found Asap Rocky's song 'LSD' where his video is based on the film Enter the Void. I took elements from this where i used effects and bright colours to look like the person is in a dream and this is a generic convention of the psychedelic genre so i feel that i could take that reference from the film and music video and make it into my own. The dream state would be where the male character had been given the drug of love my the female character and is in a dream state that revolves around her.
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